Monday, April 28, 2008

Much of nothing

I can't believe that much of nothing was going on for a Monday. No fires at work to be put out. (pun intended) No rush to school because someone forget their backpack. No problems at home. Knock on wood. Just really not much going on today.

I did come home to a mountain of laundry that didn't get finished over the weekend. It didn't rain so I will have to water the yard since Hubby spread some Bonus S last week. No baseball today so the kids are going outside to play after they eat dinner. Just really not much going on today.

I like having these kinds of days every now and then. I like how they break up the routine and allow for some quality time with Hubby and kids. Right now the kids are finishing up putting the dishes away and I am just about done with my blog for the night.

So leave the laundry and go play with the kids. Have fun! I'm going to.

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