Happy 20th Birthday, Riley! We are officially out of the teenage years and we all survived. You have brought so much laughter to your lives. You are funny, smart, and work hard at everything you do. Your dad and I have loved having a front row seat to your life. You have been one of our greatest adventures. We hope year 20 is amazing!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Hello 2025
It's been a while since I've been on here. And the new year has me wanting to put down a few thoughts from the past one.
2024 was definitely a year. If I could sum it in a song, or more specifically a lyric it would be CeCe Winans, The Goodness of God and the lyric is, And I have lived in the goodness of God.
This was my song of the year. The entire song is simply amazing and CeCe's voice is just so beautiful
So much happened this past year that only God could have orchestrated all and none of it was lost on me.
In March 2023 I began to pray for God to open doors for new job opportunities at the university where I had worked for 15 years. I had spent the last four years in a toxic and hostile work environment and it was clear it was time. Don't get me wrong, the university as a whole was wonderful and my family has a deep history there but my department was an different story.
I prayed for God to move or move me. And move me he did. He closed every door at the university and opened one at another higher education institution in an entirely different state. So in March 2024, I listened to God and took that leap of faith and accepted that new position.
I excitedly went into the new position ready to learn whatever I could. After 30 days it was clear to me that I did not want to be separated from my husband for almost a year before he retired. Nor did I want to be away from the rest of my family and friends. Again, I began praying earnestly for God to once again move or move me.
As God does, he moved. A job came across a listserv that I was on and I thought, I can do that, so I applied. The next week I received an email for an interview later in that same week and the week after that I was offered the job.
Let me say, this new position was at another university and those of us in higher education know it takes months for things to happen. When I started at the first university, it took 3 months to apply, interview, and eventually higher me. At the university out of state, it took almost 6 months for that process. So for all of this to happen in 3 weeks was one hundred percent God working.
There were so many moving parts that needed to work out and fall into place that it could have only been done by God and I am honored that he allowed me to see all of this happening in real time and not retrospectively.
I now have an amazing job with a boss and co-workers who are supportive and encouraging. We have dubbed ourselves The Dream Tream and it truly is. It's also in Texas, which is where I truly want to be.
There were a lot of other things in the details that I had been praying for which God allowed and for that, I am truly grateful for.
As CeCe sings,
For your mercy never fails me. All my days, I've been held in Your hands. You have led me through the fire. In darkest night, You are close like no other. And I have lived in the goodness of God. Your goodness is running after, it's running after me. With my life laid down, I surrendered now, I give You everything, oh Lord. All my life You have been faithful. All my life You have been so, so good. So good with every breath that I am able, I will sing, I'm gonna sing, of the goodness of God.