Friday, August 8, 2008

A preacher that blogs

Cool, the date is 8/8/8

Sorry I got off the topic.

Last week our church voted in a new preacher. Our search committee has been looking for over a year for a man of God to lead our church.

I love our interim preacher, Bob, but he has another full time job which he loves to pieces. So keeping him was not God's plan for our church.

In March, God made it very apparent to our committee who he had chosen for this job.

So this past Sunday, Dr. Phil Holder preached. I enjoyed his message. I also enjoyed meeting his family.

Before we voted, the committee members each had a chance to speak about their decision. One of the members was very thorough in her research on him. But what totally caught my attention was that he has a blog. Our new preacher to be had a blog. WOW!

Well then our church voted and we all voted yes, not one no. Can I get and Amen? He and his family graciously accepted.

I asked him about his blog, and he was excited to share about it with me. He also admitted that he hasn't had the time lately to keep up with it but he assured me once things calm back down he would be back at it.

I can't wait! And for those of you who want to see the blog, here is the site.


Phil said...

Thanks for the enthusiastic endorsement. The old blog has been neglected lately. I have a lot to say but I can't seem to find the time, and sometimes the emotional control, to write it. We are excited about joining y'all, but the parting here is difficult. Thank you for your prayers.
Love ya,
Dr. Phil

k and c's mom said...

Where is your church?