Monday, January 5, 2015

We've Gotta Back, Back, Back To School Again

Whoa, Whoa we've gotta go...back to school again. Sorry I got carried away. 

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year break. Tomorrow we all go back to school/work. And while I know we must, I admit, I had the best time being with my family.

We stayed up entirely to late each night and then spent the days either lounging around the house and watching way to many movies or hanging out with family and friends. 

On Christmas Eve we went candle light service at our church and then over to Beth's house to make home made pizzas and then off to look at Christmas lights. This has been our tradition over the years and it's one of my favorites. 

Then it was home to wait for Santa to come. I have no idea how much longer till R2 begins to question Santa so I'm going to soak up every ounce of this magical time. Santa and family were good to both boys. There was the delivery of a Keurig, R2 has been asking for one for the past three years, money, two pairs of Dr. Dre Beats headphones, a remote control car and airplane, a Florida State Fathead, an electric guitar, and a few other toys. 

New Year's Day R1 and I kicked off our annual Harry Potter marathon. We broke out all the movies and watch them in order. However we did skip The Sorcerer's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets as they both were on TV the day before we watched them. I love watching these movies with him each year. 

We also ate way to much over the holidays. Hubs grilled several times while we are out on break. So you could say we cooked way to much each day but there were other days where all we did was snack on chips and dips and whatever else we could find to eat. I even managed to cook omelets most mornings for breakfast. There were a few days in there when I said the kitchen is still closed and so cereal it was. 

So when I say it was good to hang out with my people and just be, it was good to hang out with my people. 

Well since I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow, which by the way by the time you are reading this it will be tomorrow and I will already be awake, I need to go get my beauty rest. 5:30AM comes early, very early. 


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