Monday, May 17, 2010

Still just a bunch of nothing

I can not believe it is Sunday night. 10:49pm to be exact.

What I can not believe more is that weekend is gone.

It came, it went, it kicked my butt!

Saturday, I had to work, YUK. The university where I work had graduation and the department I work in requires us to work graduation. It was an all day thing. Lets just say I had to be there at 7:30am and did not get off until 4:30pm. I got home and Hubs had fried shrimp, french fries, mushrooms, hush puppies and pickles. I ate and then completely turned into a couch potato. I was brain dead.

This morning, I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO CHURCH!! Due to baseball we haven't been able to, and I was really missing my church family and friends. The service was awesome and one of my favorite songs was sung. What a great morning to be in the Lords house.

Then we came home, scarfed down lunch, Hubs took R1 to baseball practice. R2 and I worked in the yard.

I can honestly say it looks like someone lives here now. The yard is mowed, but not by me, Hubs took care of that last week. But the hedges are trimmed, the flower bed weeds are gone and the flower pots have been replanted. The porch and sidewalks have been blown off and the porch table has been washed, it was yellow with pollen. NASTY!

Any we spent all afternoon outside. I love to look back at the yard after it's been cleaned. I always feel like I accomplished something. To see how bad it was before and the how nice it looks after.

But I have to say I need another weekend, and quick. The inside of my house looks as if a tornado went through it.


Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Me too! It is an either or situation! The outside looks great, the inside not so much, and visa versa! I need to get it ALL together at the same time!!

Lou Cinda

Only 5 days to Friday!!

Brooke said...

i hate yardwork! :) i can sympathize on the house - i was out of town all weekend and jay was alone. i'm sure you can imagine how wonderful it looks :P