Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday R2

Eight years ago today God blessed me with another little boy and my life has never been the same. He completed our family.

And in his honor here are eight things I love about him.

1. His sense of humor. He keeps me laughing.

2. How he loves to be outside. He would much rather be outside any day than sitting in the house.

3. He loves to help. Whether it's passing papers out or mopping the floors. He just likes to lend a hand.

4. His laugh. It's infectious. 

5. How curious he is about anything and everything. 

6. How competitive he is.  A game of Uno, baseball, or just being the first one dressed in the morning. 

7. How he likes to spend time with his grandpa fishing and hunting.

8.. How he loves God. He is always ready to go Sunday School and church.

Happy 8th Birthday R2! I love you!

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Happy birthday to R2!!